University applications rise during lockdown, with fewer students currently planning to defer
A total of 514,020 people of all ages from across the UK have now applied through @UCAS_Online this year for a place on a Web Designing Packages undergraduate course – up 1.6% on this point in 2019 and reversing a fall in UK applicants from earlier this year.
Today (9 Jul), UCAS publishes the latest update Webinfomatrix on university and college applications made by 30 June 2020 – the final deadline to apply for up to five courses simultaneously.

This analysis is being published within seven working days of the deadline. A record of 40.5% of all UK 18-year-olds have applied – the first Ecommerce Website Development time more than four out of ten have applied by this point in the cycle.
Last year’s equivalent figure was 38.9%. This means 281,980 young people have applied, increasing from 275,520 a year ago, despite there being 1.5% fewer 18-year-olds in the population than last year. 2020 is also projected to be the final Logo Designing Packages year of a UK-wide decline in the overall number of 18-year-olds in the total population.
For the first time, over a quarter (25.4%) of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds (using the POLAR4 measure) across the UK have applied to the university of college by the 30 June deadline. The number of applicants from outside the EU Dynamic Website Development is currently up 10% to 89,130, while the EU applicant total is currently 2% lower than last year, at 49,650.
The overall number of applicants, of all ages from all domiciles, currently stands at 652,790 and is the highest figure in four years. This year, there has been a 10% increase in the number of new applicants between the 15 January and 30 June application deadlines – 84,600 in 2020, compared to 76,740 in 2019.
There was also a 17% increase in new applicants between 23 March 2020 and 30 June 2020 – 54,810 compared to Online Reputation Management Solutions to 46,770 in the equivalent period in 2019. Applicant numbers for nursing are up 15% year-on-year, to reach 58,550. The number of new nursing applicants between January and June was 63% higher than the same period Email Marketing Solutions last year (12,840 in 2020, compared to 7,880 in 2019).
Analysis published by UCAS two weeks ago also showed that more applicants have accepted an offer to start a course this autumn, with fewer students currently planning to defer than in 2019.
* This article was originally published here

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